It’s that time of year where a certain industry is banking on you to feel self-conscious (both literally and figuratively)! It’s time to buy that gym membership, start a diet or cleanse, or purchase some appearance-changing service that’s going to allow for you to feel better about your physical appearance. And aren’t those ads out there so convincing!
Ultimately though, these things don’t work. Why? Because you’re already gorgeous! It’s that simple. This billion dollar industry is really good at making you believe and feel like you’re not enough the way you are. Afterall, this is how this industry continues to make money, so they are really, really, really good at it.
They tell you how you should look, what is acceptable, and what’s not. And, as a result…
They make money off of our insecurities. Even if we don’t immediately buy their products, we’re constantly thinking about the inadequacies of our personal appearance and what we should be doing differently.
So let’s talk about how to come at these issues from a different perspective. Rather than setting resolutions about weight loss or decreasing clothing sizes, let’s focus on resolving to improve body image in ways which actually will help you feel good about yourself long-term. Here are 11 ideas for you:
This year, I will…
- Practice intuitive eating (follow the link to learn the 10 Principles of intuitive eating.)
- Engage in a workout/exercise plan/sport that’s fun and enjoyable.
- Look in the mirror daily and say “I love you”.
- Tell people “your weight does not define your worth!” when they want to talk about their weight loss goals, diets, etc. with me.
- Wear colors which make me feel beautiful.
- Create a self-love mantra.
- Notice beauty in everyone I see.
- Read a book about body positivity.
- Skip workouts when I’m sick, when I’m on vacation, and on holidays.
- Clean social media accounts of toxic images, people, and brands.
- Wear my swimsuit unapologetically.
If negative body image is something causing havoc in your life, know that counseling can help. Negative body image can be a symptom of general anxiety as well as an eating disorder or body dysmorphic disorder.
I have offer resources for eating disorders and their support systems. Check them out here!